Financial Planning for Widows and Widowers

Helping You Move Forward When Your Spouse Dies

Experiencing the heartbreaking loss of your spouse can leave you facing a multitude of challenges. Alongside the emotional burden, you may also have financial issues to address, such as medical bills, funeral costs, and interactions with insurance companies. Your future may feel uncertain, and you may be worried about managing your finances alone.

At Savant, we understand how to provide financial advice for widows and widowers during one of the most difficult times they’ll ever face. Our financial advisors are here to lend an empathetic ear as you share your situation, concerns, and aspirations for the future. Our goal is to offer comprehensive financial planning for widows that helps them lay the groundwork for a secure and stable new life.

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Case Study: Financial Advice for a Widower Who Needed Help

When Rory lost his wife suddenly, he needed help get his financial situation organized. Read how Rory worked through his grief and planned for retirement on his own.

Client filling out Savant’s financial checklist for widows and widowers.

A Financial Guidebook for Widows and Widowers

After losing your life partner, the idea of making important financial decisions can be overwhelming. We’ve put together a detailed guide to help make the process easier as you begin to rebuild your life. Remember, our team of financial professionals is here for you, ready to provide guidance on everything from Social Security benefit decisions to revising your estate plan. The first step is getting organized.

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