Savant Business Operations In Light of COVID-19

We are taking steps to make sure we can continue to serve you and maintain the health and safety of our clients and our team members as our nation deals with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Health & Safety
As the virus continues to spread we will continue to follow the recommended best practices from the Centers for Disease Control (the “CDC”) for health and hygiene. We have also made extra cleaning supplies, disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer, tissues etc. available for all of our office locations.
In accordance with the recommendations for social distancing we are encouraging many of our staff to work remotely from home and we are instituting a rotation for some minimal office location coverage to maintain in-office business essential duties.
We are also in close contact with all of our facilities management team members to ensure we have proper protocols in place in the event that exposure at a location occurs and the office needs to be evacuated.
Should multiple locations become affected we have contingency plans where our employees have secure access to our systems which allows them to work remotely.
Given our firm is multi-regional, we also ensure our teams are fully cross-trained to back up all offices in case remote support is required. Should one of our Savant offices become affected by the virus, we are ready to cover your needs through the assistance of one of our other 17 offices which reside within the Midwest, Arizona, New Mexico and in the McLean, VA regions.
Travel/Face-to-Face Meetings
Realizing that many people might be reluctant to meet in person during this time, Savant leverages Zoom video conferencing as an optional way to meet with your advisor. If you are interested in taking advantage of this, please reach out to your advisor or client services representative to schedule a remote meeting. Here is some information on our Zoom conferencing system:
Group Events/Virtual Live Discussions
Any in-person group events previously scheduled are now cancelled. We will, however, maintain a rigorous communication plan with both employees and clients instead. Our Advisory and Investment Teams are preparing to launch a regular series of client communications. More information will be coming shortly.
Here to Serve
No matter what transpires, we will be here to support you as we always have. We are in this together and we know there is a lot of uncertainty right now. Our country has persevered and overcome many challenging times and we will get through this together. We will make all available efforts to serve you, your family and those closest to you in these tumultuous times. If there is anything we can do to assist please do not hesitate to reach out.
Brent R. Brodeski, MBA, CPA, CFP®, CFA®, AIFA®
Chief Executive Officer